Data Flash addresses.
#include <data_flash_access.h>
const word DF_ADDR::CELL0_RA_FLAG = 0x4100 |
static |
Ra Table; R_a0; 0x4100; Cell0 R_a flag; H2
High Byte:
- 0x00 - Cell impedance and QMax updated
- 0x05 - RELAX mode and QMax update in progress
- 0x55 - DISCHARGE mode and cell impedance updated
- 0xFF - Cell impedance never updated
Low Byte:
- 0x00 - Table not used and QMax updated
- 0x55 - Table being used
- 0xFF - Table never used, neither QMax nor cell impedance updated
Following it are 15 two-byte (I2) values of the corresponding row of the table.
- Return values
- See also
- 6.4.5 Ra Table Initial Values
const word DF_ADDR::CELL1_RA_FLAG = 0x4140 |
static |
Ra Table; R_a1; 0x4140; Cell1 R_a flag; H2.
High Byte:
- 0x00 - Cell impedance and QMax updated
- 0x05 - RELAX mode and QMax update in progress
- 0x55 - DISCHARGE mode and cell impedance updated
- 0xFF - Cell impedance never updated
Low Byte:
- 0x00 - Table not used and QMax updated
- 0x55 - Table being used
- 0xFF - Table never used, neither QMax nor cell impedance updated
Following it are 15 two-byte (I2) values of the corresponding row of the table.
- Return values
- See also
- 6.4.5 Ra Table Initial Values
const word DF_ADDR::CHARGE_TERM_TAPER_CURRENT = 0x4693 |
static |
Advanced Charge Algorithm; Termination Config; Charge Term Taper Current; I2.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::DESIGN_CAPACITY_CWH = 0x462C |
static |
Gas Gauging; Design; Design Capacity cWh; I2.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::DESIGN_CAPACITY_MAH = 0x462A |
static |
Gas Gauging; Design; Design Capacity mAh; I2.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::DEVICE_CHEMISTRY = 0x4095 |
static |
I2C Configuration; Data; Device Chemistry; S5.
- Return values
JBL | 1352 - this is ID of the type for the Li-Ion battery |
const word DF_ADDR::DEVICE_NAME = 0x4080 |
static |
I2C Configuration; Data; Device Name; S21.
- Return values
static |
Gas Gauging; State; Update Status; H1.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::MANUFACTURER_NAME = 0x406B |
static |
I2C Configuration; Data; Manufacturer Name; S21.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::OTC_THRESHOLD = 0x46D8 |
static |
13.10.8 OTC - Overtemperature in Charge: Protections; OTC; 0x46D8; Threshold; I2
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::Q_MAX_CELL_1 = 0x4206 |
static |
Gas Gauging; State; Qmax Cell 1; I2.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::Q_MAX_CELL_2 = 0x4208 |
static |
Gas Gauging; State; Qmax Cell 2; I2.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::Q_MAX_PACK = 0x420A |
static |
Gas Gauging; State; Qmax Pack; I2.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::TC_CLEAR_RSOC_THRESHOLD = 0x464C |
static |
Gas Gauging; TC; Clear % RSOC Threshold; U1.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::TC_SET_RSOC_THRESHOLD = 0x464B |
static |
Gas Gauging; TC; Set % RSOC Threshold; U1.
- Return values
const word DF_ADDR::X_CELL0_RA_FLAG = 0x4180 |
static |
Ra Table; R_a0x; 0x4180; xCell0 R_a flag; H2.
The initial x-values are a copy of the non-x data set. Two sets of Ra tables are used alternatively when gauging is enabled to prevent wearing out the data flash.
High Byte:
- 0x00 - Cell impedance and QMax updated
- 0x05 - RELAX mode and QMax update in progress
- 0x55 - DISCHARGE mode and cell impedance updated
- 0xFF - Cell impedance never updated
Low Byte:
- 0x00 - Table not used and QMax updated
- 0x55 - Table being used
- 0xFF - Table never used, neither QMax nor cell impedance updated
Following it are 15 two-byte (I2) values of the corresponding row of the table.
- Return values
- See also
- 6.4.5 Ra Table Initial Values
const word DF_ADDR::X_CELL1_RA_FLAG = 0x41C0 |
static |
Ra Table; R_a1x; 0x41C0; xCell1 R_a flag; H2.
The initial x-values are a copy of the non-x data set. Two sets of Ra tables are used alternatively when gauging is enabled to prevent wearing out the data flash.
High Byte:
- 0x00 - Cell impedance and QMax updated
- 0x05 - RELAX mode and QMax update in progress
- 0x55 - DISCHARGE mode and cell impedance updated
- 0xFF - Cell impedance never updated
Low Byte:
- 0x00 - Table not used and QMax updated
- 0x55 - Table being used
- 0xFF - Table never used, neither QMax nor cell impedance updated
Following it are 15 two-byte (I2) values of the corresponding row of the table.
- Return values
- See also
- 6.4.5 Ra Table Initial Values
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: